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6 Cylinders Ultrasonic Fuel Injecor Cleaner Tools ANCEL
Jumlah Stok : 1 Item
ANCEL AJ600 Injector Cleaner & Tester
1. Ultrasonic cleaning:
To clean injectors to remove the carbon deposition on them completely.
2. Resistance test
To test the resistance of fuel injector
3. Uniformity / Sprayability test:
To test the uniformity of injecting amount of each injector, and to monitor the spraying status of each injector with the help of back light.
4. Leakage test:
To test the sealing and dribbling conditions of injectors under system pressure.
5. Injecting flow test:
To check the injecting amount of the injector in 15 seconds of constant injection.
6. Working modes test:
To test injectors under different working conditions.
7. On-Vehicle Cleaning:
Coming with a variety of disassembly-free cleaning connectors, the device can be used to perform on-vehicle cleaning and maintenance for various vehicle models.
8. Low resistance injectors test function
Through the dedicated motherboard, it supports the full and long test of low resistant fuel injector such as 1 ohm.
9. Multi items Setting:
Set different parameters of the device, including the buzzer sound level, display brightness, and backlight brightness.
10. Version information:
to check the software version information of the current device.
Professional Fuel Injector Cleaner
ANCEL AJ600 is a fuel injector cleaning machine newly developed by ANCEL TECH. It combines ultrasonic cleaning technology and microcomputer oil pressure closed-loop control cleaning and detection technology. This product simulates various engine working conditions and cleans and inspects various automobiles and motorcycle fuel injectors. Its unique design saves weight and volume, while further optimizing the product's functionality. With a larger cleaning tank and cleaning fluid heating effect, which can achieve better cleaning results.
Category : Tools No. SKU : AC-001
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