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Professional Automotive Smoke Leak Detector Tool ANCEL
Jumlah Stok : 1 Item
Ancel S3000 Automotive Diagnostic Leak Detector
ANCEL S3000 Car Smoke Leak Detector is a professional auto pipe leak detect tool. It will help us position cars motorcycles leakage on the pipe systems quickly and exactly, such as Intake System Test, Exhaust Systems Test, Crankcase system test,Car Sealing Test, Fuel Tank System Test, Turbo System Test,Various Pipe Fittings Test.
How to do leakage test?
1. Turn OFF the ignition of the vehicle.
2.Dismantle the air filter and the throttle connections.
3.Clean the inner wall of the intake opening to avoid sharp objects and put the Universal Intake Adapter into the opening
4.Connect the Power Cord to 12V vehicle battery.
5.Now the Power LED would be ON, if else check the power supply.
6.Introduce the smoke nozzle into the system via the Adapter Cone
7.Press Air Control Switch, wait for 30 seconds until the system is pressurized, and check the Pressure Gauge & Flow Meter reading for leak status, if the unit is equipped with Pressure Gauge & Flow Meter
8.Press Smoke Control Switch, .unplug and Plug back the smoke nozzle back into the Cone Adapter when there’s obvious smoke coming out of the smoke nozzle
9.The system will be ready for leak check in 2 minutes. Use a bright light torch or working lamp to assist
10.After test, press Smoke Control Switch again to stop the unit from generating smoke and press Air Control Switch to stop generating pressurized air
11.Collect the Smoke Hose and the Power Cord with the Velcro Straps for storage. Hang the unit or make it stand in UPRIGHT position only. Do NOT lay it down.
Intake System Test,Exhaust Systems Test,Crankcase system test,Car Sealing Test,Fuel Tank System Test,Turbo System Test,Various Pipe Fittings Test.
Category : Tools No. SKU : AC-001
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