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Key Programming Tools Ancel

Jumlah Stok : 1 Item

DP500 is a new Android-based vehicle trouble diagnostic device developed for internet applications. Contains key programming, Instrument Cluster Adjustment, oil/service reset and special functions like ABS bleed, gear learning,EPB, TPS, SRS reset etc; It covers wide range of vehicles, featured powerful function, and provides precise result.All-in-one machine structure, more convenient to use, full optimization hardware, running more stable, faster and smoother.

Professional Instrument Cluster Master: DP500

DP500 help you to solve problem easily.

ODO Instrument Cluster Adjustment

Read Instrument Cluster

Write Instrument Cluster

Read Flash 

Write Flash 



DP500 Support EEPROM Chip Read

Programming & Erase Keys

Programming Remote

Pincode Read

Key Numbers Read

EEPROM Chip Reading

DP500 Support 11 Special Functions:

1.Oil Reset

The lightening of the car maintenance light indicates that the vehicle needs maintenance.Reset the mileage or driving time to zero after the maintenance,so the maintenance light will go out and the system will start a new maintenance cycle.

2.ABS Bleeding

When the ABS contain air,the ABS bleeding function must be performed to bleed the brake system to restore ABS brake sensitivity.If

the ABS computer,ABS pump,brake master cylinder,brake cylinder,brake line,or brake fluid is replaced,the ABS bleeding function

must be performed.

3.Gear Learning

Crankshaft position sensor adaptive learning.

4.CVT Reset

This function is reset the adaptive shift

5.Battery Matching

This function enables you to perform a resetting operation on the monitoring unit of vehicle battery,in which the original low battery fault information will be cleared and battery matching will be done.

Battery matching must be performed in the following cases:

a)Main battery is replaced.Battery matching must be performed to clear original low battery information and prevent the related control module from detecting false information.If the related control module detects false information,it will invalidate some electric auxiliary functios,such as automatic start&stop function,sunroof without one-key trigger function,power window without automatic function.

b)Battery monitoring sensor.Battery matching is performed to re-match the control module and motoring sensor to detect battery power usage more accurately,which can avoid an error message displaying on the instrument panel.

6.EPB Adaptation

Allows you to perform the service and maintenance of brake systems


This fuction allow for an idle relearn to be performed.

8.Steering Angle Reset

To reset the steering angle,first find the relative zero point position for the car to drive in straight line.Taking this position

as reference,the ECU can calculate the accurate angle for left and right steering.After replacing the steering angle position

sensor ,replacing steering mechanical parts(such as steering gearbox,steering column,end tie rod,steering knuckle),performing four-wheel alignment,or recovering car body,you must reset the steering angle.

9.DPF Regeneration

DPF Regeneration is used to clear PM(Particulate Matter)from the DPF filter through continuous combustion oxidation mode(such us high temperature heating conbustion,fuel additive or catalyst reduce PM ignition conbustion)to stabilize the filter perfornance.

DPF regeneration may be performed in the following cases:

a)The exhaust back pressure sensor is replaced.

b)The PM trap is removed or replaced

c)The fuel additive nozzle is removed or replaced

d)The cataytic oxidizer is removed or replaced.

e)The DPF regeneration MIL is on and maintenance is performed.

f)The DPF regeneration control module is replaced.

10.Injector Coding

11.Suspension Matching

This function can adjust the height of the body.When replacing the body height sensor in the air suspension system,or control module or when the vehicle level is incorrect,you need to perform this function to adjust the body height sensor for level calibration.

Category : Tools No. SKU : AC-001

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