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Ancel VOD700 Car Diagnostic Tools OBD2 Full System

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2022 newest design----- ANCEL VOD700 OBD2 Code Reader is designed for Volvo vehicles, it can support full system diagnosis such as Engine, Transmission, Airbag, ABS, Battery System, etc. Support multiple resets service for Volvo vehicles like EPB, Oil, BMS, ETC, ABS Bleeding, TPMS Reset, etc.This helping VOLVO vehicles users save money and time in maintenance or repair.

All-system Diagnostic Scan Tool for VOLVO vehicles

Engine System:

 It supports 6 modes OBDII functions. Easily identify car problems and turn off engine lights. Help you pass emissions test and keep your car in best condition. Save gas and improve performance.

Transmission System: 

It can help before transmission problems become a big hassle. That's because most trouble codes come from your vehicle's transmission. With a transmission diagnostic tool, you can get a fault code if there is one. All you need to do is troubleshoot a fault code.

Airbag System: 

The SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) is a device that deploys the airbag to protect the passenger before the second collision occurs. The VOD700 obd2 scanner can read/clear the code and turn off the airbag warning light.

ABS System:

 ABS automatically controls the braking force of the brake when the car brakes, so that the wheels do not lock and enter the state of edge rolling slip (slip rate is about 20%) to ensure the maximum grip between wheels and ground. VOD700 can turn off the light and locate the fault location.

Battery System: 

Allows the scan tool to evaluate the battery charge level, monitor the short circuit current, register the battery change, activate the vehicle hibernation mode and charge the battery via the diagnostic socket.

DPF System: 

The scan tool can retrieve/clear DPF-related codes, reset the DPF light after a filter change, micro-control the injection rate, and burn off collected particulates when a maximum level is reached.

Oil System: 

Reset the system every time the oil is changed so it can calculate when the next oil change is needed. Also reset the system when the oil is changed before a service indicator comes on.

Immobilizer System: 

Use the immobilizer to keep your car safe and prevent it from being stolen.

Special Functions for VOLVO Vehicles Diagnosis

EPB Reset: Reset the brake pad after repairs in electronic parking brake system are done. Deactivate and activate the brake control system, assist with brake fluid control, open and close brake pads, etc.

Oil Reset: Allow you to reset your oil. Oil change frequency is dependent upon the make and model of your vehicle. The frequency also depends on you and your driving habits.But you should change your oil at least twice a year, regardless of how much driving you do.

BMS Reset: Re-match the control module and motoring sensor for battery detecting more accurately, clear original low battery information and prevent the related control module from detecting false information.

Electronic Throttle Control ( ETC ) Reset: Choice the ETC Reset from the main menu to learn valvetronic limit positions on your vehicles, then just following the steps from VOD700. Resetting the Throttle Position after cleaning or replacement can help your nice car work on it is best condition.

ABS Bleeding: When the ABS contains air, the ABS bleeding function must be performed to bleed the brake system to restore ABS brake sensitivity.

TPMS Reset: If the TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) light is illuminated, it means your tires could be underinflated, which can lead to undue tire wear and possible tire failure. VOD700 can read and clear TPMS error codes and turn off the TPMS warning light after you replace the tire.

DPF Regeneration: Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration means clear PM (Particulate Matter) from the DPF filter through continuous combustion oxidation mode to stabilize the filter performance. VOD700 can also support other DPF special functions, such as DPF Parameter Reset, DPF Manual Regeneration, DPF Reset, DPF Regeneration Suspension, Diesel Particulate Filter Static Regeneration.

Injector Coding: Code new injector numbers to replace the previous one when fitting the new injectors or after the replacement is completed.

Category : Tools No. SKU : AC-001

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