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Ancel Scanner BD300 OBD2

Jumlah Stok : 1 Item

ANCEL BD300 B-T Scanner Tools 

ANCEL BD300 is designed for BMW Vehicle Diagnostic Tool, it can support full system and Oil, EPB, Throttle learning, BMS Reset and full OBD2 Functions. It can be easily connected B-T and used by using the mobile APP, which solves the limits of the connecting line on you, and allows you to diagnose outside the car. ANCEL BD300 Also works with every gas-powered vehicle 1996 and newer. Supports 8 different languages, more than 60 U.S, Asian and European vehicle brands and over 10,000 different vehicle types.

Full OBD Level Diagnostics For Engine System Of All Vehicle Brands

1. Reading Codes: Show the detailed description of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCs)

2. Erasing Codes & Reset: Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), clears codes and resets monitors.

3. Data Stream: Reads and displays live ECU/PCM data stream, plotting functions graphically and stores freeze frame data. 

4. I/M Readiness Status: Shows whether the various emissions-related systems on the vehicle are operating properly and are ready for inspection and maintenance testing.

5. Read Live Data Stream: Show the information of continuous data stream from a vehicle in live graphic (waveform) display. 

6. View Freeze Frame Data: Check the certain vehicle conditions which are recorded by the on-board computer at the time the emission-related fault occurs.

7. O2 Sensor Test: Allows retrieval and viewing of O2 sensor monitor test results for the most recently performed tests from the vehicle’s on-board computer.

8. On-Board Monitor Test: Retrieves and displays test results for emission-related powertrain components and systems. 

9. Read Vehicle Information: Display the information such as VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), CID (Calibration ID) and CVN (Calibration verification number), etc.

10. Component Test: Certain vehicle components can be actuated by commands sent from the scanner to test their operability.

Category : Tools No. SKU : AC-001

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